Friday, August 14, 2009

August meeting

At this meeting, there was Jed, me ( Dan ), Ian, Robin, Guy, Malcolm White, Barry, Gordon, Mike Dean, Mike Redman. Ian told us how he had been to a meeting of "Transition Malvern Hills" ( ). They wanted to know if we could help them save the world. They gave us a list of questions, like "Could we invent a chemical to dissolve plastic" and other ideas they had had to make the world better. This caused a lot of discussion, although we agreed we should come up with some numbers for them, to help them make decisions. Later we went round the table each getting a turn to talk. I talked about my free CAD software ( HeeksCAD ). Jed Marson told us about his business as an agent between inventors and investors ( ). Mike Redman had some ideas for new products using his inventions. Mike Dean use his scientific background to add some useful comments about a variety of things. Gordon told us about his wind tunnel that he is making to test the sails on model ancient boats. Barry showed us a variety of light bulbs. He has been experimenting with using good quality LEDs to make superior indoor lighting. I can't remember what Malcolm White talked about. Guy told us about his Toastabags promotional flag visible from the motorway. Robin discussed flywheels as a method of storing energy in poor countries. Gordon, Barry and Mike Dean saw some problems with these ideas.

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